The tattoo consent form is used to rid the tattoo artist and the studio at which they work of any liability concerning a tattoo given to a customer. The customer must review the entire form and a indicate that they have been provided with all information regarding the risks of getting a tattoo. Due to the permanence of a tattoo, it is essential that the customer is of sound mind when completing the form and receiving the tattoo, that they are responsible for the spelling of any words and the meaning of whatever symbols they choose to place on their body.
Minor’s Consent Form – For the use of a minor that is seeking to have a tattoo you must read the laws in your State (view Wikipedia).
How to Write
Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF (.pdf)

Tattoo Consent Form – Adobe PDF
Step 2 – The name of the studio or independent artist should be submitted in the first field. Next, enter your name and initial next to the paragraph which states that you’ve been informed of the risks associated with getting the tattoo.
Step 3 – Initial here if you agree to waive and release the artist and all employees of the tattoo studio of all liability.
Step 4 – This should be initialed if all questions have been asked and satisfactory answers have been given.
Step 5 – The care for the tattoo must be given prior to receiving the artwork. Initial here if this is the case and you recognize that touch up work might be necessary.
Step 6 – You may not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when consenting to the tattoo. Initial here to indicate that this is true.
Step 7 – Initial here if none of the illnesses/conditions relayed in this paragraph apply to your current condition.
Step 8 – The artist and studio does not hold itself responsible for the meaning or spelling of the tattoo. Initial if you agree.
Step 9 – This simply states that the color and clarity of the tattoo will change over time and variations may exist between the art selected and the finished product. Initial to indicate you understand.
Step 10 – Initial to show you understand the permanence of the tattoo and the consequences of removal.
Step 11 – Initial here if you’re comfortable with the tattoo studio taking and using photos of the tattoo for their reproduction in print or online.
Step 12 – Initial if you agree to the studio’s no refund policy.
Step 13 – Initial here to agree to pay the tattoo studio for any legal fees that occur due to legal action you bring against the studio. Enter the name of the county and state in which you reside.
Step 14 – Initial here to show that you have been given enough time to review the form and that you understand that in signing it you are waiving certain rights.
Step 15 – Print your name, address, date of birth, and the form of ID you’re choosing to provide your identification. Sign once the form has been printed on the applicable line and submit the form to the studio where you’ll be getting your tattoo.